Welcome the Biology's LSRC Website
It is the mission of Biology's Life Science Resource Center to connect students in life science classes to resources of success.
Helpful Terms
Life Science Resource Center: a place and a purpose to help students in life science courses succeed to their definition of academic success.
Life Science Course: any course that is related to life science, such as biology, genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, ecology, environmental science, etc.
Office Hours: check out this pdf for the definition and expectations of office hours: https://lsc.cornell.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/What-Are-Office-Hours.pdf
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Session: check out this link for the definition and opportunities: https://learningcenter.unt.edu/si
What to know before visiting:
Walk-ins are welcome! No appointment needed.
YOU NEED TO SIGN-IN using the QR code or paper sign-in located in HH266F.
The LSRC is a shared space. We partner with the Physics Instructional Center to provide dual-science support (one stop shop for help in life science and physic classes).
Find LSRC activities at Hickory Hall 266F or met with the LSRC Coordinator in HH 266B
Hours of Operation: Opens Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm
Check out what LSRC Participants, your fellow classmates, are saying about the LSRC:
"It was a great way to reinforce information gained in lecture while also providing a more personal learning environment" - LSRC Participant
"I liked how I could drop by whenever and make schedules on the spot that would work for both people. I also liked that I could go multiple times throughout the day."
"I like that I can ask class questions and gain clarity."
"It's quiet and can be a space to discuss difficulties in a class."
"I love Heidi and how we (the student) are in charge of what topics we want to learn or if we need to spend little or more time on a certain topic. I like how flexible it is. I started to see an increase in my grades when I started going to LSRC, and I love how it cements topics in my mind. I truly love this program, and I'm kind of hesitant about recommending LSRC because I really want to gatekeep it :)."
"Ample of support and resources"
- Learning Strategies for Studying Science-based Material PDF
- Contains YouTube & Podcast Recommendations, Scientifically-proven study Methods, Active Learning Techniques, Test-taking Tips
- Learning Strategies for Biology
- Library Content related to
- Learning Center - offers academic coaching and tutoring in lots of subjects
- Technology & Text Availability
- In case you do not have access, in HH266F, we have computers and biology textbooks available to use while in the space.
- Quiet Study Space
- HH266F offers an area to get focused, reduce distractions, plus study well.
- Our Email: biology.lsrc@unt.edu
- If you have questions, want to schedule an appointment with the LSRC Coordinator, need YouTube recommendations, etc. Email us!
- Learning Strategies for Studying Science-based Material PDF