View Dr. Lichtenberg's Google Scholar page for the most up to date list.
*Joint first authors, +Lab member
In the works
Muñiz M+, Meadows BT+, Lopez P+, Lichtenberg EM. Social information use across trophic guilds. [preprint]
Collins SM+, Taylor LA+, Wright KW, Lichtenberg EM. Local nesting resources alter ground-nesting bee communities. [preprint]
Koch, JB, Looney C, Hopkins B, Lichtenberg EM, Sheppard WS and Strange JP. Projected climate change will reduce habitat suitability for bumble bees in the Pacific Northwest. [preprint].
Yuan X, Chakravarty A, Gu L, Wei Z, Lichtenberg EM, Chen T. An empirical study of methods for small object detection from satellite imagery. [preprint]
Cordeiro GD, Giannini TC, Consorte PM, Costa ACJ, Marques BF, Mazzei ND, Menezes PP, Shimoda J, Souza RS, Aguiar AJC, Almeida EAB, Alves DA, Alves-dos-Santos I, Andrade TA, Barbosa AS, Bezerra LA, Borges RC, Brito,TF, Camacho GP, Castro MS, Campbell AJ, Coelho BWT, Ferrari RR, Garófalo CA, González-Chaves AD, Lichtenberg EM, Martínez-Martínez CA, Martins MB, Martins AC, Maués MM, Moleiro HP, Mouga DMDS, Oliveira FF, Pinheiro PAS, Ramos KS, Rocha-Filho LC, Santos IPV, Santos S, Santos-Júnior JE, Silva DP, Sousa FG, Teixeira GMN, Tietz AL, Vilhena PS, Vivallo F, Carvalheiro LG. Brazilian Bee Traits Database: addressing the Raunkiærian shortfall on tropical bees.
Whiting C, Behr W, Lichtenberg E, Baum K, Jha S and Fowler N. Effects of invasive grasses on fuel loads and fire temperatures in grasslands of the southern Great Plains, North America.
Behr WL, Whiting C, Simpson K, Lichtenberg E, Baum K, Jha S, Fowler N. Grassland plant communities in the southern Great Plains resistant to restoration by prescribed fire and seed addition.
Lichtenberg EM, Heiser J, Baum KA, Neff JL, Jha S. In press. Floral visitors differentially respond to local and landscape grassland features. Insect Conservation and Biodiversity. [preprint]
Bronstein JB, Davidowitz G, Lichtenberg EM, Irwin RE. 2024. The hole truth: why do bumble bees rob flowers more than once? Plants 13: 2507. [article (free access)]
Lichtenberg EM, Milosavljević I, Campbell AJ and Crowder DW. 2023. Differential effects of soil-based agricultural diversification on arthropods and crop yields. Journal of Applied Entomology 47: 931-940. [article (free access)]
Dorey J, Chesshire P, Bolaños A, O'Reilly R, Bossert S, Collins S+, Lichtenberg E, Tucker EM, Smith-Pardo A, Falcon-Brindis A, Guevara D, Ribeiro B, Pedro Dd, Fischer E, Pickering J, Hung K, Parys K, Mccabe L, Rogan M, Michkley R, Velazco S, Grisswold T, Zariillo T, Jetz W, Sica Y, Orr M, Guzman L, Ascher J, Hughes A, Cobb N. 2023. A globally synthesised and flagged bee occurrence dataset and cleaning workflow. Scientific Data 10: 747. [article (free access)][R package]
Allen-Perkins A, [87 additional authors], Lichtenberg EM, [91 additional authors], Bartomeus I. 2022. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology 103: e3614. [pdf]
Campbell AJ*, Lichtenberg EM*, Carvalheiro LG, Menezes C, Cabral RB, Coelho BTW, Freitas MAB, Giannini TC, Leão KL, Olivera FF, Dilfa TSF, Maués MM. 2022. High bee functional diversity buffers crop pollination services against Amazon deforestation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326: 107777. [pdf]
Baylis K, Lichtenberg EM, Lichtenberg E. 2021. Economics of pollination. Annual Review of Resource Economics 13: 335-354. [summary][article (free access via this link)]
Lichtenberg EM, Irwin RE, Bronstein JB. 2020. Bumble bees are constant to nectar robbing behavior despite low switching costs. Animal Behaviour 170: 177-188. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM*, Richman SK*, Irwin RE, Bronstein JB. 2020. Competition for nectar resources does not affect bee foraging tactic constancy. Ecological Entomology 45: 904-909. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM*, Heiling JM*, Bronstein JL, Barker, JL. 2020. Noisy communities and signal detection: why do foragers visit rewardless flowers? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375: 20190486. [pdf] [summary]
Lichtenberg EM, Irwin RE and Bronstein JB. 2018. Costs and benefits of alternative food handling tactics help explain facultative exploitation of pollination mutualisms. Ecology 99: 1815-1824. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM, Mendenhall CM and Brosi BJ. 2017. Stingless bee species' traits alter responses to deforestation. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1404-1416. [pdf]
vanEngelsdorp D, Traynor KS, Andree M, Lichtenberg EM, Chen Y, Saegerman C and Cox-Foster DL. 2017. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) and bee age impact honey bee pathophysiology. PLOS ONE 12: e0179535. [pdf]
Bronstein JB, Barker JL, Lichtenberg EM, Richardson LL and Irwin RE. 2017. The behavioral ecology of nectar robbing: why be tactic constant? Current Opinion in Insect Science 21: 14-18. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM, Kennedy CK, Kremen C, [60 additional authors] and Crowder DC. 2017. A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity at field and landscape scales. Global Change Biology 23: 4946-4957. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM, Graff Zivin J, Hrncir M and Nieh JC. 2014. Eavesdropping selects for conspicuous signals. Current Biology 24: R598-R599. [pdf]
Pettis JS, Lichtenberg EM, Andree M, Stitzinger J, Rose R and vanEngelsdorp D. 2013. Crop pollination exposes honey bees to pesticides which alter their susceptibility to the gut pathogen Nosema ceranae. PLOS ONE 8: e70182. [pdf]
Pettis JS, Rose R, Lichtenberg EM, Chantawankul P, Buawangpong N, Somana W, Prachaval S and vanEngesldorp D. 2013. A rapid survey technique for Tropilaelaps mite detection. Journal of Economic Entomology 106: 1535-1544. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM and Brosi BJ. 2012. Expanded ranges of two stingless bee species: Aparatriona isopterophila and Ptilotrigona occidentalis. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 85: 374-377.
Lichtenberg EM, Hrncir M, Turatti IC and Nieh JC. 2011. Olfactory eavesdropping by two competing stingless bee species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 763-774. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM, Imperatriz-Fonseca VL and Nieh JC. 2010. Behavioral suites mediate group-level foraging dynamics in communities of tropical stingless bees. Insectes Sociaux 57: 105-113. [pdf]
Lichtenberg EM, Hrncir M and Nieh JC. 2009. A scientific note: Foragers deposit attractive scent marks in a stingless bee that does not communicate food location. Apidologie 40: 1-2.
Lichtenberg EM and Hallager S. 2008. A description of commonly observed behaviors for the kori bustard (Ardeotis kori). Journal of Ethology 26: 17-34. [pdf, may be read only]
Hallager S and Lichtenberg EM. 2007. New display behavior in male kori bustard (Ardeotis kori strunthiunculus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119: 750-755.