Xirong Xiao M.S.

Research Scientist 1

Room #A126-B

Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203

Xirong Xiao


Associate Degree Computer Science, Murray State College, OK, USA, Jun 1999-May 2001
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology (SCUT). China, Sep 1984-Jun 1987
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, (SCUT). China, Sep 1980-Jun 1984


Sep/2013 - Present Research Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
May/2006 - Jun/2013 Research Associate, Forage Improvement Division, The S. R. Noble Foundtion, Ardmore, OK
Jan/2004 - May/2006 Research Technician, Plant Biology Division. The S. R. Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK
Apr/1998 - Mar/1999 Ph.D. Candidate, Laboratory of Forest Chemistry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Japan
Dec/1995 - Mar 1997 Assistant Professor. State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering. SCUT. Assistant editor of "Guangdona Pulp and Paper"
Dec/1990 - Nov/1995 Assistant Professor. Research Institute of Chemical Engineering. SCUT
Jul/1987 - Nov/1990 Research Assistant. Research Institute of Chemical Engineering. SCUT


  1. C. Frank Hardin, Chunxiang Fu, Hiroshi Hisano, Xirong Xiao, Hui Shen, C. Neal Stewart Jr., Wayne Parrott, Richard A. Dixon and Zeng-Yu Wang. (2013). Standardization of Switchgrass Sample Collection for Cell Wall and Biomass Trait Analysis. BioEnergy Research. 10.1007/s12155-012-9292-1.
  2. Fu C, Mielenz JR, Xiao X, Ge Y, Hamilton CY, Rodriguez M Jr, Chen F, Foston M, Ragauskas A, Bouton J, Dixon RA and Wang ZY. (2011). Genetic manipulation of lignin reduces recalcitrance and improves ethanol production from switchgrass. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108:3803-8.
  3. Fu C, Xiao X, Xi Y, Ge Y, Chen F, Bouton J, Dixon RA and Wang Z. (2011). Downregulation of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD) Leads to Improved Saccharification Efficiency in Switchgrass. Bioenerg. Res. 4:153-164.
  4. Shen H, Fu C, Xiao X, Ray T, Tang Y, Wang Z and Chen F. (2009). Developmental Control of Lignification in Stems of Lowland Switchgrass Variety Alamo and the Effects on Saccharification Efficiency. Bioenerg. Res. 2:233-245.
  5. Zeng-Yu Wang, Jeremey Bell, Xiaofei Cheng, Yaxin Ge, Xuefeng Ma, Elane Wright, Yajun Xi, Xirong Xiao, Jiyi Zhang and Joseph Bouton. (2009). Transgenesis in Forage Crops. Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. pp 335-340.
  6. Zeng-Yu Wang, Jeremey Bell, Xiaofei Cheng, Yaxin Ge, Kun Jun Han, Xuefeng Ma, Elane Wright, Yajun Xi, Xirong Xiao, Ji-Yi Zhang, Andrew Hopkins and Joseph Bouton. (2007). Biotechnological Improvement of Forage Crops. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond, pp 333-338.
  7. Hong-Liang Wang, Guangming Li, Xirong Xiao and Rujin Chen. (2005). Development of reverse genetic resources for the model legume medicago truncatula. Model Legume Congress, Pacific Grove, California, USA. 5 - 9 June 2005.
  8. Xirong Xiao and Wenzhi Liang. (1996). GC-MS study of SCMP Pulping effluent fraction. Guangdong Pulp & Paper.
  9. Xirong Xiao and Wenzhi Liang. (1995). The effect of sulfonation pH on the reed SCMPs. Guangdong Pulp & Paper.
  10. Xirong Xiao and Wenzhi Liang. (1993). The alkali ethanol pulping of Eucalyptus Cilridora. 7th ISWPC, Beijing China.
  11. Wenzhi Liang and Xirong Xiao. (1992). Study on the properties of wheat straw alkali ethanol pulp, Lignocelulose Science, Technology, Development and Use. Ellis Horwood, England.
  12. Xirong Xiao and Wenzhi Liang. (1989). Preliminary investigation of the properties of wheat straw alkali ethanol pulp. J. of South China University of Technology. 17(1).