Nicoladie Tam

Faculty, Systems Biology, Physiology, Animal Biology, Neuroscience
Associate Professor
Nicoladie D. Tam

UNT Faculty Profile


  • Dr. Tam's research interests include computational and experimental neuroscience in emotional and cognitive processing, EEG, near-infrared optical imaging, motor control, robotics, neuro-prosthetics, brain-computer-interface, decoding of brain signals and brain simulation.

Dr. Nicoladie Tam teaches classes in the following subjects: Principles of Biology II, and Neuropsychopharmacology.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
  • Bachelor of Science, Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
  • Bachelor of Science, Astrophysics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Science University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Selected Publications:

  • Optical imaging of motor cortical activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, (2012).
  • Detection of directional movement control using fNIRS optical imaging of motor cortex, (2012).
  • Methodologies for integrating neuroscience basic knowledge into clinical relevance in neuropsychopharmacology teaching, (2012).

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