Jason Bohenek

Faculty, Physiology, Aquatic Biology, Biotechnology
Clinical Assistant Professor - Aquatic Community Ecology
Jason Bohenek

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Dr. Jason Bohenek teaches Biostatistics I & II (BIOL 5130, 5140).


Doctor of Philosophy in biology, The University of Mississippi

Bachelor of Science in biology, environmental science, and philosophy, The University of Scranton


Bohenek has interests in multiple levels of biological organization ranging from ecophysiology to community ecology. He studies how the environment interacts with development to shape phenotypic trajectories and outcomes, with emphasis on extreme cases known as polyphenisms. He is also interested in predation-risk effects and the emerging field of chemical camouflage, which is when organisms employ camouflage in the olfactory, instead of visual, sense modality. Lastly, he has considerable interest in dispersal and the assembly of ecological communities. In this context, he studies the role of habitat selection in structuring freshwater communities.

Selected Publications:

The following are the most recent publications by Dr. Jason Bohenek:

1. Bohenek, J. R., M. R. Pintar, T. M. Breech, and W. J. Resetarits Jr. 2022. A wolf in sheep's clothing: Predatory fish have convergent consumptive effects but divergent predation-risk effects. Ecosphere 13:e4073.

2. Pintar, M. R., J. R. Bohenek, and W. J. Resetarits Jr. 2021. Geographic variation in Culex oviposition habitat selection responses to a predator, Notonecta irrorata. Ecological Entomology 46:1148-1156.

3. Resetarits Jr., W. J., T. M. Breech, J. R. Bohenek, and M. R. Pintar. 2022. Cue reduction or general cue masking do not underlie generalized chemical camouflage in pirate perch. Ecology 103:e3625.

4. Resetarits Jr., W. J., J. R. Bohenek, and M. R. Pintar. 2021a. Predator-specific responses and emergent multi-predator effects on oviposition site choice in grey treefrogs, Hyla chrysoscelis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288:rspb.2021.0558, 20210558.

5. Resetarits Jr., W. J., M. R. Pintar, and J. R. Bohenek. 2021b. Complex multi-predator effects on demographic habitat selection and community assembly in colonizing aquatic insects. Ecological Monographs 91:e01474.