- Dr. Kennedy's research interests include ecology of benthic invertebrates and ecotoxicology.
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Dr. James Kennedy teaches classes in the following subjects: Biodiversity and Conservation
of Animals, Insect Biology, Contemporary Topics in Biology, Stream Ecology, Contemporary
Topics in Environmental Science and Ecology and Aquatic Insects of North America.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Zoology/Aquatic Ecology, Virginia Tech
Selected Publications:
- Invertebrates of Central Texas Wetlands. S. W. Taber and S. B. Fleenor. Annals of
the Entomological Society of America, (2009).
- Aquatic Ecosystems for Ecotoxicological Research: Considerations in Design Analysis
for Fish. Pp 729-752. In: The Toxicology of Fish, (2008).
- The Terminal Pleistocene extinction in North America and the Dynamic Equilibrium Model.