Dr. Douglas Root teaches classes in the following subjects: Biochemistry II, Bioinstrumentation
and Analytical Techniques, and Protein Structure and Function.
Doctor of Philosophy, Molecular Biology, UCLA
Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine
Selected Publications:
Singh, R. R., Dunn, J. W., Qadan, M. M., Hall, N., Wang, K. K., Root, D. D. (2018).
Whole length myosin binding protein C stabilizes myosin S2 as measured by gravitational
force spectroscopy. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 638, 41-51.
Demonstrating the uses of the novel Gravitational Force Spectrometer to stretch and
measure fibrous proteins, (2011)
Close Proximity of Myosin Loop 3 to Troponin Determined by Triangulation of Resonance
Energy Transfer Distance Measurements, (2009).