Andrew J. Gregory, Lena Larson. Genetic analysis comparing Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska Greater Prairie-Chicken Populations. OK State Wildlife Research Grant. $164,474.

James Bullock, Justin Travis, Andrew Gregory, Paul Beier, Emma Spence. NERC/NSF: Wildlife corridors: do they work and who benefits? National Environmental Research Council, UK/ National Science Foundation, USA. £600K and $499,995.

A novel role for actin polymerization in the closure of the ductus arteriosus. National Institutes of Health, PI: Edward M. Dzialowski, $423,508.

Cotton Biotechnology Center. Cotton Incorporated. PI, Kent Chapman; $100,000.

Conversion Verification Subject Matter Expert Bioenergy Engineering for Products Synthesis (BEEPS) Zymochem Project. Subcontract: Dr. Calvin Henard, $17,449. Linking ranch management to aquatic ecosystem functioning. Dixon Water Foundation. PI: Hoeinghaus, Co- PI: Roberts. $135,000 (direct funding), and eligible for an additional $67,500 in direct matching funds through the Texas Research Incentive Program.

Developing Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat. United States Department of Agriculture. PI: Shah, Jyoti, $80,256.

Elucidation of CO2-dependent methanotrophy at cellular and ecosystem levels. UNT College of Science Seed Grant. PI: Dr. Calvin Henard, $10,000.

Engineering Seed Value in Cotton. Cotton Incorporated. PI, Kent Chapman; $115,000.

New Research Lab and Teaching Facility at the UNT Water Research Field Station. Private foundation award (donor wishes to remain anonymous). PIs: Roberts, Hoeinghaus and Kennedy, on behalf of the Advanced Environmental Research Institute. $300,000 (direct funding), and eligible for an additional $150,000 in direct matching funds through the Texas Research Incentive Program.

Patent Filed

Recombinant WRKY polynucleotides, WRKY modified plants and uses thereof. Inventors: Jyoti Shah, Monika Patel, Vijee Mohan; Application # 16831138.